How we communicate: PECS and Makaton _ Makaton Charity - PECS website 
Most of the children in the ARB are non speaking (non verbal) and for this reason we have a focused approach in order to enable them to communicate both with us, their families and the wider world. 
When a child who isn't able to use words to communicate enters the ARB they may already be learning a communication system or may need to start with us. 
Through signs with the hands (Makaton) or Exchange of Picture Symbols (PECS) we aim to make every child a communicator at their own level. 
The system used for each individual will largely depend on their needs and capabilities. Luckily the Cornwall Communication support team are fantastic at giving both us and the families specialist support and guidance along the way. 
All our staff are trained or being trained in both PECS and Makaton. 
Every child deserves the right to communicate. If they can't do it with words, we can help them find a way!