Home Learning

As a guide, you should read with your child on a daily basis and practice their maths fluency 'Key Instant Recall' facts (KIRFs) for each half term as often as possible.
To support your child's reading, they will have the opportunity to access Read Write Inc. Virtual Classroom lessons from home. 
Each half term you will receive a set of links to these lessons via email. They are short, interactive films that will be chosen specifically for your child, to help support in the areas of reading that we have identified at school will help to make the most progress.
We would like the children to watch these videos as often as possible, ideally one video a day. Please encourage them to watch the same video on different days, as repetition is a great way to embed learning. 
Home Learning Grids
These give you ideas for English and Maths skills practice and consolidation based on what we have been learning in school. There are also activities which will enhance your child's learning in our theme based work.
As a guide your child should aim to complete one activity per week in addition to their reading and maths practice.
Home Learning books should be brought into school on a Wednesday. They will be marked and returned home each Friday.