Curriculum Information

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum aims to develop the key skills of communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care in order to access the next stage of their learning, development and life beyond education.

It strives to build on individual strengths and interests, personalised to respond to each child's stage of development and needs alongside their EHCP.

A rolling plan is in place, which supports a balance of stimulating contexts for learning through different learning experiences, themes and subjects.

We adopt a mastery approach to learning- teaching discrete skills, offering increasing opportunities to rehearse and embed these across different contexts so that the learning becomes generalised and lifelong, before we move on to the next steps.

We have four curriculums:

Early Years: Encounter and Discover- from foundation year to end of year 1

Engagement: Connecting and Responding- for pupils working at Engagement Model Level

Semi-Formal: A life skills curriculum- for pupils working at pre-key stage standard 1-4, beginning to access some subject based learning

Adapted Formal: For pupils working at pre key stage standards 5 and 6

Curriculum Pathways
Please find our termly curriculum overviews below for your information.