Children In Need Day @ St Stephens

13th November 2020

Well Team St Stephens has totally smashed another charity event!
All week the children have been involved in the "Five to Thrive" programme organised by the  children's ambassador Joe Wicks. Each day has had a different theme; Connect, Take notice, Be active, Be curious and the final day was for Giving. This is a unique programme of well being activities; activities to help you feel better about yourself as well as helping others.
We can only say a HUGE thankyou for participating, wearing sports kit on Friday so we could all join in live with Joe for the end of his 24 hour PE challenge ! Great energy and very generous donations were sent in. We currently have the AMAZING total of £195.00 to send to Children In Need so they can continue to support those who need it most in the UK.
Thank you to all parents/carers for supporting our Fun Fit Friday. Also a special mention to our Pupil Forum who co-ordinated the posters and breaktime booster bagels with toppings for each class. Great job everyone.
Our children supporting, respecting and showing kindness to other children-WE ARE INCREDIBLY PROUD of them.