Spring Youth Council Meeting

12th March 2020

Today our Youth Councillors met with other councillors from the local schools and discussed what the Town Council money was being used for in the schools in a Launceston. We are hoping that some funding will be coming our way to help maintain breakfast provision once our Government funding stops in September 2020 and it has been confirmed that we have funds allocated for our pupils to attend the Community Shakespeare Project in the Summer Term.

The meeting also considered the amenities around our area and what the pupils thought would be worthwhile additions e.g. electric charge points for cars. Our Youth Councillors will be asking the rest of the school during assembly tomorrow. Apparently due to the volume of lorries and traffic around Launceston we have the worst air pollution compared to other places in north Cornwall. The children discussed trying to lower the carbon emission by walking or riding their bikes to school.

Great British Values well and truly being kept alive at St Stephens by our wonderful representatives.