Our First School Trip!

28th September 2022

This week our Foundation Class went on their very first school trip. This trip was linked into their planned curriculum. Here is an account of their exciting adventure.
"First we all got on a bus and travelled to town. We enjoyed looking out of the windows to see what we could see on the way. Lots of us saw where we lived, some of us spotted the river and duck pond and most of us saw the castle at the top of the hill.
Once we were in town, we all got off the bus and went to the bakery. All of us had to use our manners as we asked nicely for a biscuit. We then had to pay. We then got back on the bus and went to the Charlie Bear Museum on Pennygillam Industrial Estate.
We ate our biscuits and then looked around the museum. There were so many bears to look at! Some were tiny, and some were enormous. We also had to find the clues to the code to get into the bear's secret cave. Luckily, we found all of the number clues and got to visit the secret room before we all got back on the bus again and travelled back to school."
Thank you so much to the parents who gave their time to help with this trip. These enrichment activities are so important to embed learning , they put into a real life context the children's knowledge and skills.
Well done also to all the children. We have heard that your behaviour and manners were excellent -great job on your first school trip everyone.
Check out the Class Blog for more photos!