Cross Country Event

2nd February 2023

We are so immensely proud of the pupils from Y3-Y6 who represented St Stephens Community Academy @ the Arena Cross Country event today held at St Catherine's Academy. In rather cold and drizzly weather they showed determination, resilience and great team spirit. The Year 3's and 4's had to run 4 times around the circuit and the Y5's and 6's ran 5 . A HUGE 'Well Done' to everyone for entering the event with real sportsmanship and congratulations to medal winners Maisy (1st), Daisy (2nd) Adela (2nd) ,Holly (3rd) and Noah (2nd) in their year groups. Thank you also to all the parents who came along to cheer, run alongside and encourage the children. Great job Team St Stephens.
After half term we will be running a cross country running club at lunch time for everyone-we have got such extensive grounds to use and what a wonderful way to keep your body and heart healthy.