Youth Council Meeting

24th November 2020

Today our newly elected Youth Councillors held their first zoom meeting with the Chair of the Town Council , Mrs Margaret Young to introduce themselves and find out what their role involved. Usually the councillors meet with representatives from all the schools in Launceston in the Town Hall or Guildhall however due to CV19 this is not currently possible. We hope to organise a meeting with them all as soon as possible. Mrs Young explained that their job is to consider what Launceston needs -what the children need-and what they would like Launceston in the future to look like.
The council have a £3000.00 budget for the schools and we have already secured £400.00 for early reading books in EYFS/KS1 for the Read Write Inc programme. A BIG thank you to the council for agreeing to this. The Youth Councillors are now going to look at the cost of benches for outside their classroom and to create a sensory garden especially for the Y6 cohort- somewhere to sit and relax or have their packed lunches in fine weather.
The meeting closed with the customary refreshments and cake!
Job well done Lillie, James , Meghan and Zac.