#return to school

28th August 2023

As the return to school draws nearer , we have been thinking of ways to support and help you and your children with the transition at St Stephens Community Academy.
Children may be anxious or excited about returning; they may be looking forward to seeing their friends or dreading spending time with people they wouldn't normally choose to spend time with, they may adjust easily or the change in routine may throw them.
However they are feeling there is lots you can do to make it easier.
Rehearsing a change in routine is particularly important if your child is starting or changing school. Talk through what will happen each day and make a timetable or visual reminder that can go on the wall somewhere. Practice each part of the routine that is different from the holidays- get uniform ready in advance and practice putting it on, practice what will happen in the morning-making a packed lunch, packing a school bag, your walk or car ride to school.
All the staff are busy preparing and planning their teaching and learning for the new term and can't wait to welcome you back to a new school year . Enjoy the rest of the holidays and we're really looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 6th September.
Don't forget the gates open at 8.30 a.m. and classroom doors open at 8.40 a.m. so we can register you all by 8.45 a.m.