Maths Workshop in EYFS

19th September 2023

We were delighted to welcome some of the EYFS parents and our Early Years Governor to our Mastering Number Maths workshop this afternoon, where parents and their children had fun with the maths activities.
Ms.Neale, our Maths Lead, introduced the session which outlined the importance ( backed by research) of parental support in the development of early maths and the importance  of pupils developing their number sense in the EYFS setting. Mrs. Lumby outlined some of the activities  used in class which support the subitising ( knowing/ recognising) a number and quantity and how numbers are composed using the part-whole model. Parents then had an opportunity to play some games with their child to support these key concepts in early maths. Packs for home learning activities will be sent home weekly with suggestions of games to play and other activities to support their children. Thank you all for coming along this afternoon.